to be continued


Friday, October 15, 2010

Empowering Art in therapeutic settings

Oct 15
my passion for being and wanting to be my art therapist does not have to swim around acronyms that are placed behind my name.. I can be my artist and use the schooling that I have and empower others through art as therapy.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

rants and raves

Where is Art Therapy going?
.. these questions and confusion of ideas and curriculum's taught, have managed to catch my attention within the last few weeks.

Last night,
the evening split my career ideas. tossed and turned my body in a heavy awakeness,  I am left swimming in the shallows of the sea.

Staring into a foggy island, geese hovering over the water and treasures gently wrapped inside, I am reminded of light, love, and happiness.  Trust your instincts and believe in your initial response/feeling. You are aware. YOU do KNOW.!!


Friday, October 17, 2008

detail: dream. 2008. 2' X 2'

dream. 2008. 2' X 2'
oil and mixed media on panel

detail: seed. 2008. 4' X 4'

seed. 2008. 4' X 4'
oil and mixed media on panel

heart components. 2007. 4" X 2"
blown/sculpted hot glass

sweet melon. 2006. 4'X4'
oil and mixed media on panel